Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, the holidays are over and I am getting things back in order, rested and getting my body cleansed. On Monday I, along with my daughter, started a 7 day liver cleanse. The first two days were tough with only lemon water and herbal teas to drink. It got better on the third day as we were able to add fresh fruits, vegetables and some rice to the menu. I must admit that I am feeling much better but it isn't without the process being painful. I find myself looking at recipes online and almost drooling just reading the ingredients.

Along with the eating we are to exercise an hour a day. Last night we headed out and I dragged myself through the city for an hour and was loving back safe in my house. That feeling was short lived when all of a sudden the house began to shake, there was a strong jolt and a loud "boom" noise. Usually I know where I want to be when an earthquake hits but the latest information says that you shouldn't get under things like we have been taught for the last 30 years, but be right next to a heavy object so the object doesn't crush you. Makes sense, but I just hadn't put any thought into how I would change my under the table safety plan. So...I just stood there with a panic stricken look searching for what looked like it matched the new "you'll be safe" model.

By the time I could get it all together, the shaking had stopped and only a few picture frames had fallen over. There were several other little aftershocks that we couldn't feel but there was one that set that panic feeling racing all over again. For now we are all safe and the nerves are calmed down and we're thankful we survived another earthquake in So Cal.

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