Friday, July 25, 2008


There has been no sewing in our house for the last couple of weeks...sad to say. We have had store issues to deal with and have spent many, many hours working on solutions to some of the recent problems. It is always a fun time to get together with my husband and search for the best answers for a retail business. (of which we have absolutely no experience!)

It seemed like week after week I just couldn't get myself together to do anything, that all I wanted to do was just sit and vege. One day I happened to pay particular attention to my medicine bottle that contained my prescription of thyroid medicine and thought to myself that the dosage didn't look quite right. I finally called my physicians office to check what strength he had written the Rx for to compare with what the bottle said. Well, my bottle said .05 mg and the Rx was for .15 mg.

With that information I called my pharmacy and told them that there was a discrepancy in my dosage and would they please check the Rx against what was dispensed. They put me on hold and were gone quite a while before coming back and telling me that it should indeed have been the .15 mg dosage and they would call the doctor and have a new Rx of the right dosage waiting for me. AND I would have to have new blood tests run and it would take about 6 weeks to get back to feeling normal. I have been taking the wrong dosage for at least 6 months and you wouldn't believe how sad my poor body is!

So, it may take a few weeks for me to get enough energy to get up off the couch, but I am looking forward to getting back in the swing of sewing things as soon as possible. Until that time I will live vicariously through all of you others sewers who are just churning out wonderful garments.

1 comment:

BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Janene .- I am sure you will be well soon. so desire. Meanwhile, make sure you engage in "good life" and rest. A hug from Spain, Paco