Monday, November 10, 2008

Sweater Refashion

Last week I went through my closet and reduced the bulk by about half. Even though I know I won't wear some of the remaining clothes with their current look, I still couldn't bring myself to put them in the give away bag.

One of those left is a pink sweater that I have had for years, yes, many years, but I still love it.

So I got on the internet and looked to see what was out there as far asrefashioning sweaters goes. I found some helpful sites that gave me more confidence to cut into my treasured sweater and turn it into a cardigan. So today I took the plunge and cut right up the front of the sweater. The first thing I did though was iron some fusible interfacing on the back and 1" on either side of the center of the sweater front.
I then made sure that I was following the same knit channel from top to bottom and whacked away.
It was easier that I thought it would be to cut that knit and it didn't start to ravel immediately. But just in case I serged the edges and then pinned a separating zipper in the front. Next I turned under the serged edge, making sure to follow the same knit row, and pinned it to the zipper. Although I hand basted and machine basted one side I am not completely happy with the way it looks so tomorrow I will take the basting out and start again to see if I can accomplish a better, non-homemade, look. We'll see what happens.

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