Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Human Resource Development Projects

From James:

Training of Nurses:

Samedi Deying Michel has been working the Bere Adventist Hospital since 1979 and started out as a janitor working his way up to nurse, surgical assistant and finally performing operations himself. Two years ago, we decided to send him off to nursing school to add some theoretical knowledge to his already vast experience.
Mbayambo Patchanne Andre is our administrator who we are sending to Kenya one month out of the year for 4 years to get his master's in International Development. This year will be his third session. He finishes is 2009.
Iaknone Hortence is a nurse's aide who we have sent off to become a midwife. The hospital currently has no midwives. She finishes in October 2008.
Djekourboa Anatole is one of our long term workers of almost 30 years service at the hospital as head of the laboratory. We are sending him to Valley View University in Ghana 2 months every year to be trained in medical equipment repair and maintenance. The program is put on by International Aid and last for three years. Anatole will finish this August, 2008.

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